
Ladies & Ladles

Sharing inspiring stories of fearless females and suggestions of simple dishes. Lifting each other scoop at a time.

Megan Lynn: From Concrete Jungle to Floating Home

When an active outdoor lifestyle is in your blood, but your reality is working in the overcrowded metropolis of Los Angeles, there's only so long you can take the grind . . . before something's got to give.

For Oregon transplant Megan Lynn, that moment came after working one too many nights in TV production, seemingly crawling her way back to her concrete apartment complex to rest her head for a short spell before doing it all over again the next day. She rarely found time for exercise or rejuvenation in nature.

As someone who believes everything happens for a reason, the cycle was frustrating for Megan. She didn't feel healthy or alive, but she was pursuing what many would consider a dream job after completing graduate school in film at University of Southern California.

"Every day I was leaving [work] looking for that connection to helping people be active," Megan said.

Let’s rewind a bit.

Megan grew up in a sports-centric family in Northern California and competed on the swim team at Carlton College in Minnesota. From there, she took an internship as a ski instructor at an adaptive ski program in Aspen, Colorado—partially to recharge after the demands of college athletics and partially to get back to her roots of nature and helping people.

While in Aspen, she started working on a documentary about one of the program participants, an extraordinarily inspiring man who happened to work for NBC Universal. This interaction sparked Megan's interest in film, which eventually led her to film school.

Megan didn't overthink the eventual lifestyle that would accompany her pursuit of a career in the TV industry, she just went for it. Maybe it's the athlete in her, but her drive to succeed propelled her into the competitive throes of the TV biz. But with each flip of the calendar year, Megan began realizing her job wasn't fulfilling. She wasn't connecting with or helping others. And she was losing her grasp on her attachment to recreation and the outdoors.

So she did something she's done her whole life as an athlete: She turned to a coach.

Megan hired a job coach who helped her rediscover what was really important to her, professionally and personally. It may have seemed obvious for people who knew Megan her whole life, but sometimes when you're stuck in the day-to-day of a demanding job and lifestyle, your passions can become your blind spot.

Through that encounter, Megan decided to close the TV chapter of her life, pivot, and pursue a career in the athletic apparel and footwear industry, knowing she'd be contributing to products that would enable people to be active. Megan got serious and made a plan.

"I wanted to commit and dedicate myself to pursuing it full-time," she said.

And because many of the top companies in this industry happen to be in Portland, Oregon, Megan made a goal of moving to the Pacific Northwest—a haven for many of her outdoor interests, including fly-fishing. She thought she could do a lot of her networking and job searching from LA, though.

"I shared my plan and my goals with family and friends and those that supported me. And from there, they encouraged me to reach out to their friends for advice and support."

A phone call to her parents' good friends in the Portland area led to a meeting with a senior director at Nike, and before she knew it, Megan was well on her way to developing solid relationships with many people in the industry.

"When you connect with people in a networking environment, but on a personal level, it goes a long way," Megan said. "I think having a relationship with people really shines through."

There was just one problem with Megan's plan: She made such great connections that meetings started popping up, jobs started opening, but Megan was still in LA. At this point in her journey, Megan's mentor told her she really needed to be in Portland. When a job lead presented itself, Megan felt comfortable taking the leap.

"I moved to Portland with a solid opportunity that might develop further. I got there, and I didn't get the job. The day I didn't get it, I decided I was going to do something special for myself every single day. Every day, I explored one part of Portland to stay true to why I came here and to not get let down."

Megan's advice for other dream-seekers who run into closed doors and foiled plans is to do the same: Realize roadblocks really are opportunities, adjust your expectations, continue to meet people . . . and explore.

She didn't have to wait too long before she got her first true big break, a three-day contract doing video work at Nike. Megan could now add "Nike" to her resume, and she felt like her options really opened up, and the ball just started rolling from there.

About the same time, Megan's entrepreneur boyfriend, Bryson, also took a leap and moved from his hometown of LA, to Portland. The two had a pipe dream of living in a floating home, enjoying sunsets and nature.

"Living in LA, we couldn't believe such a thing existed," she said. "I knew how much of an adventure it would be. We moved here to immerse ourselves in an outdoor lifestyle, and we really jumped right into it in a floating home [on the Columbia River]. Now that we've spent a year-and-a-half on the water, it's really defined us. It strengthens our relationship."

In the span of less than two years, Megan achieved her dream. After working three different temporary contract positions, a full-time job opened, and Megan is now a bona fide Nike employee. And her lifestyle couldn't possibly get closer to nature, as she and Bryson just purchased their first house, a floating home of their own. So what possibly could be left for the Portlander?

"Our next steps are to continue exploring Oregon. There are so many things to see and do and so many are outside, and that's really liberating for us, having been in a city for so many years. We want to camp. Fly-fish. We want to make a home in this state, and put down roots."

From simply surviving the grind in Southern California to thriving in her new environment, Megan Lynn is proof that persistence and follow-through will help you pursue your passions in ways you never thought possible.


Advice for dream seekers:

"Don’t be afraid to chase those dreams! Sometimes it’s so important to focus on yourself and allow yourself to do some soul searching to discover what makes you happy. As you strive to reach your goals, remember to stay patient yet focused. Things happen for a reason, and you might be surprised by the greatness of the result!"

Other females who inspire you: 

"My mom and sister who inspire me with their commitment to our family and their dedication to doing what they love."

Favorite kitchen utensil/appliance: 

"I love using my CrockPot because it’s so easy to use, the recipes are yummy, and my house always smells delish!"

Favorite style of cooking: 

"I really love making desserts and sharing them with friends!"

Can't live without ingredient:  

"Cheese! Any kind of cheese!"

Go-to recipe:

Megan's Perfectly Garlic Salad Dressing, find the recipe here.

The Missed Photo Op Series, Vol. 1: Joanna Gaines-inspired supper club

Megan's Perfectly Garlic Salad Dressing