
Ladies & Ladles

Sharing inspiring stories of fearless females and suggestions of simple dishes. Lifting each other scoop at a time.

Minutes with a Marvel: Laura Bolgen

Minutes with a Marvel: Laura Bolgen

When time is scarce, I'd rather tell a bit about a brilliant woman than miss an opportunity to share an inspiring story. So, I've been peppering some wonderful women with four simple questions in the hopes that the answers are immediate and effortless (of course I'd love to sit down and interview but that's not always in the cards!). MINUTES WITH A MARVEL is meant to briefly highlight an outstanding lady and share her quick responses to meaningful questions that might inspire you or at least get you thinking...

The questions:

1) Where do you get your energy/what motivates you?
2) Who (other women) inspires you? Or are there any specific social media feeds that inspire you?
3) Pie-in-the-sky dream or ambition?
4) Go-to recipe

Today's MARVEL is Laura Bolgen.

Are there ladies in your life you admire but have never openly told? If they’re on Insta, tag them below. If they’re not, send a text, write a note, or give them a call. Let them know they motivate you, challenge you, bolster you, make you think, or cause you to smile. If you appreciate another woman for something they evoke in you, just tell them.

This MINUTES WITH A MARVEL features a special friend who does all the above and more for me.

I can remember the exact moment I met Laura Bolgen, what she was wearing, and how she just seemed to glow…with her beauty—but even more so with her confidence. I was interviewing for her job, as she was moving on to another position in the same group, and the hiring manager suggested I meet with her to get a feel for the job responsibilities. I’d been in the working world for a handful of years by then, but this was the first time I met with a peer who seemed beyond her years in intelligence, drive, and organization. She fired away with perfect questions and answered anything I asked with impromptu ease and thoughtfulness. I desired her job because it seemed like a perfect fit for me, but I wanted her friendship because I hoped it would lead to mentorship. God had a hand in our meeting because not only did we become co-workers, but we became the best of friends, and I’ve had the blessing to walk through some of the more challenging adult moments (babies, career changes, and a cross-country move, for her) *with* her. Laura has handled every season with grace. She’s been handed more challenges than I can begin to write about—things that would cause any other person to crumble, but she’s punched back with such determination. It’s inevitable that Laura will be successful in whatever she pursues. She’s always been extremely career-driven, with a fierce work ethic, and a no-nonsense mentality. But she’s simultaneously one of the most thoughtful friends you’ll ever encounter. And she’s the kind of mom you hope your kids call “auntie” because she’s so loving and FUN. May we all have a Laura in our lives, to push us not to take no for an answer and to cheer us on while we chase whatever that may be.

“Cup of hot tea, big squeeze around the neck from my son, hot yoga, or a good long swim, and surrounding myself with even more motivated people than myself. I've been told I have drive, and I honestly think it comes from being incredibly stubborn, so having a goal and speaking it out loud is all the motivation I really need. When I'm surrounded by motivated, happy people, I tend to take in their energy and pay it forward.”

“My sisters and my best friend from college inspire me to be a better person. They've all chased dreams and careers and somehow remain incredibly dedicated to their families, friends, and passions. One found her dream job, one paved her way to the top of the banking world (in such a male-dominated environment), and one started up her own inspiring business all by her little self. I only wish I could be as good of a friend and sister while somehow being so successful as these women are. And no idea how they still all have energy to take such good care of themselves at the same time! Like I said, surrounding myself with happy and motivated people pushes me to never sell myself short.

“Raise a little pack of alpacas on my own land one day. … But really, I'd just like to make the time to be a better sister, friend, mom, and spouse—areas I feel like matter the most—find a routine to prioritize these acts and thoughts better.”

I rotate two meals very often: Lemony One-Pan Orecchiette with Sausage and Broccolini and Easy Broccolini Flounder Bake.

Sara's Guajillo Chile Pepper Dressing

Sara's Guajillo Chile Pepper Dressing

Leftover Croutons

Leftover Croutons