
Ladies & Ladles

Sharing inspiring stories of fearless females and suggestions of simple dishes. Lifting each other scoop at a time.

The future belongs to . . .

The future belongs to . . .

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Stephanie Manzo

Last week, I had the chance to chat with someone from my extended family (shout out to you, Stephanie!) who thoughtfully asked how my book was coming along. I explained how after I submitted the revised proposal last summer, I’ve gone through the ups and downs of the creative process. Some days I’m fired up and some days I am slogging through the hours, unmotivated to do anything toward my goal of finishing the book. (Who can relate to this?)

As much as I am not a fan of social media, posting something every day seemed to be a good way to keep momentum, but then it also became (becomes) a bit of a time suck. I haven’t figured out a good routine for writing, and maybe that’s it. Regardless, the conversation was a nice nudge for me to get back at it.

The discussion also reminded me why I started the project: Every woman I meet has such special qualities that inspire me in different ways, and their stories can surely motivate others to unearth or celebrate *their* gifts, too.

Stephanie is going back to school to become a nurse. She’s lived in many places from the PNW to California, in tiny homes and studio apartments. She’s worked in various industries from music festivals to wine and education. And when I heard she decided to pursue nursing, it was as if the clouds parted, the sun rays blasted through, and birds chirped a cheery tune just for her. Like it makes complete sense. Steph’s natural demeanor is incredibly warm, inviting, and safe—the qualities you’d want in a nurse. She asks questions because she genuinely wants to know how you’re doing. One of her gifts simply is her presence, and she’ll soon be using this to care for others as her profession.

If you ever feel like you’re stuck—whether in a creative lull or in a career that needs a change—just know you’re not alone, there’s always time, and “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” as one of my all-time faves, Eleanor Roosevelt, once said.

Gifts for gals who need some love

Gifts for gals who need some love

Amie Kurian: Combine your passions & change the world

Amie Kurian: Combine your passions & change the world