
Ladies & Ladles

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Jill Noe: Living the 'No Bad Days' life

Jill Noe: Living the 'No Bad Days' life

Jill (left) and her soon-to-be wife, Maya

Jill (left) and her soon-to-be wife, Maya

Resilient. Hard-working. Humble. Brave. It’d be quite the challenge to find another person who epitomizes as many positive character traits as Jill Noe.

Her high school self drove a bright red sports car with a “No Bad Days” bumper sticker, always lighting up a room (or a gym!) the minute she ran in. She soared through her senior year as one of the most decorated athletes in Oregon sports history. (Editor’s note: I’m not entirely certain of the accuracy here, but she lettered in three sports every year, set a bunch of records, AND was prom queen to boot!).

Jill went on to play Division I basketball at Arizona State University, where she overcame not one but two torn ACLs (knee ligaments), and still landed herself in the record books for her stats.

She played professionally overseas for a while, and when she returned, she had her sights set on a career at Nike. Instead of using one of her many connections to find a job, she worked her way up starting as a retail employee—always, ALWAYS with a bright smile on her face. And once she settled into a full-time gig at World Headquarters, she paid forward the help she received as a young athlete by stepping into a role that outfitted elite youth basketballers.

Swooping in and solving problems or lending a hand when anyone’s in need is what she does and who Jill is. Like when she selflessly offered to be her twin sister’s surrogate. Jill carried twin babies for her own twin whose rare genetic disorder prevented her from having children. (Let *that* act of kindness sink in for a minute.)

Jill’s life could easily fill the pages of a memoir—each of her life stages packed with interesting and incredibly inspiring stories that showcase the grit and heart of a larger-than-life human. From athlete to coworker, sister, partner, and friend . . . regardless of the hat she’s wearing, Jill is a shining example of someone who truly lives “No Bad Days.”

Jill (right) carried twins for her twin sister, Whitney.

Jill (right) carried twins for her twin sister, Whitney.

Q & A with Jill Noe

Where do you get your energy/what motivates you?

“My sister and my family motivate me.”

What other women inspire you?

“My sister and my mom are hands down the most inspirational women to me. Both are the most resilient and optimistic women you will ever meet. When you are in their presence you can just feel their energy. They are strong, determined, happy, and hilarious!”

What’s your pie-in-the-sky dream or ambition?

“I cannot wait to build a family with my beautiful partner and soon-to-be wife, Maya.”

What’s your go-to recipe?

“Mac and Cheese baybeeee!!! I rely on the professionals, AKA Annie’s Mac and Cheese, out of the box. Add a little fresh parm and hot sauce to top, and hot damn!”

How do you break up your days/what’s a day-in-the-life look like?

“My days are broken up by getting a 45-minute bootcamp workout in on our Peloton around 11 a.m., after morning meetings. In the afternoon, I take our dog, Rudy, for a walk or I take her to the park where she loves to play fetch.”

How do you stay organized or what strategies do you have for accomplishing goals?

“I think being a former collegiate athlete has taught me to be very organized and how to prioritize things. I try to stick to daily routines that optimize my day, and I write down goals I like to achieve either with a dry erase marker on my bathroom mirror or on sticky notes in my office. That way I am constantly seeing them and keeping them in focus.”

Do you have any good life hacks?

“Shoot, none are jumping out to me. Umm, make people laugh because in turn you’ll be laughing, too.” 

Name three positives that came out of 2020 for you personally.

“We bought a house. We had a whole extra year to plan our wedding, since we had to cancel it due to COVID. I was able to spend more time with my now 2-year-old niece and nephew.”

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