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Jennifer Borget: Your new BFF on the internet

Jennifer Borget: Your new BFF on the internet


Jennifer Borget is a shining example of a modern day Renaissance woman. Truly. There aren’t many things this gal can’t do or attempt to do. And with whatever she sets out to accomplish, you can bet she’ll document and narrate with 100 percent honesty, accuracy, and authenticity.

It wasn’t much more than a decade ago when Jennifer was working full-time as a TV news anchor and reporter, expecting her first child and blogging about every milestone. Now she’s a mom to three kids and has created a dream life for her family through her words and photographs—with a hefty sprinkle of grit and determination.

Cherish365 isn’t just a clever name for her website, it’s how Jennifer lives her life. Whether it’s sharing an open dialogue about social justice and what it’s like raising her interracial family through the challenges of 2020 or a follow-along of her first year as a vegetable gardener, Jennifer’s joyous spirit and sincerity will leave you feeling like you found a new best friend on the internet.


Q & A with Jennifer Borget

Where do you get your energy/what motivates you?

“I’m really motivated by my goals, so whatever I set as my goal really just becomes what motivates me—achieving that, and knowing that I’m going to achieve my goal is really what fuels me. And then the goal usually is really something that I’m excited about. I like working on things that get me excited and make me happy. I hate being bored or doing stuff I don’t like to do. Being motivated by a goal I want to achieve [gives me energy].”

What other women inspire you?

“I’m inspired by SO many other women. Anyone I meet, I feel like . . .I just feel like I can grab things from everybody I meet and find things about them that inspire me—I mean, Oprah is a big inspiration for me . . . Ellen . . . those are some big names that really inspire me. But I think a lot of it has to do with them overcoming labels and stigmas and things or hardships in their life, just seeing what you can come from and what you can become really inspires me.” 

What’s your pie-in-the-sky dream or ambition?

“I am not sure what that is at the moment because I just achieved one. One of my big pie-in-the-sky dreams was paying off my house, and I just did that, so I'm super excited. And now I need to set some new goals and dreams. I mean, I really think it’s probably going to have to do with feeling financially secure with my family and teaching my kids how to lean into who they truly are. And I’m hoping we’re in a position where they can really go for whatever it is that excites them and inspires them and let that be their career maybe later in life, because not everyone has that chance, but I’m hoping we can help set them up so they can.”

What’s your go-to recipe?

“I don’t have a go-to recipe, this is really sad. I don’t like to cook! I do have an apple pie recipe that I love, but it’s a family secret.  . . . It used to be this delicious shredded chicken potato thing, but I haven’t made it in a while. I’m going to have to think about this. Right now it’s probably grilled cheese and stuff, but yeah, I’m going to think about that. I’m hoping it’s going to be—soon, I want it to be an imitation Chipotle salad, but I’m going to learn how to make that!”

How do you break up your days/what’s a day-in-the-life look like?

“[This] varies depending on what day of the week it is and which kids are home. On work days, I homeschool in the morning. My kids and I take two or three hours to go through their math, language arts, and do reading practice, and discuss science, something for social studies . . . we’re usually playing outside, too. Then after that, I either make them a lunch or have them fend for themselves for lunch, and then I get going on work.

“With that, I’m usually checking my emails, responding to them, signing contracts, and then a big chunk of my work is producing content—so that’s writing new blog posts, taking pictures, editing those photos, writing captions for approval (if I’m writing for a brand) or just my own captions for my regular content.

“My week is made up kind of funny: I like to do my photo shoots when everyone is home, so that might be a Saturday or Sunday, and then during the week, I’ll slowly go through and edit those pictures and then go through and do the writing when my youngest is at her nature school. The nice thing about being a business owner is getting to make my own schedule, but my schedule is definitely not super typical, it’s kind of all over the place.

“Once I’m done working, my husband usually is home and hanging out with the kids, and we’ll get dinner on the table. Then we try to get some time alone either right before or right after the kids go to bed to kind of catch up and watch a show or something like that.” 

How do you stay organized or what strategies do you have for accomplishing goals?

“When it comes to accomplishing goals and what strategies I have, I think the biggest thing is writing it down and knowing what my goal is and then focusing on that every single day. And it doesn’t have to be obsessing over it all the time, but I really do think about my goals every day and what it is I’m trying to achieve, why I’m working toward that, what the motivation behind that is—and that really just keeps me motivated and keeps me going because it’s always on my mind.

“And I mean, I think not only thinking that it’s going to happen but actually knowing and believing it’s going to happen is a big part of accomplishing my goals and just having that belief that it’s going to happen. And then, just in terms of staying organized and strategies, I really like the book The One Thing because I think it really breaks down how I go about my goals in little bite size pieces and OK every day, as long as I’m on the trajectory in achieving this, I can achieve whatever goal that might be. When we don’t think of it as a huge, Oh I need to do this huge big thing, huge big goal, but taking it bit by bit every day and chipping away at it is really what leads to achieving it ultimately.” 

Name three positives to have come out of 2020 for you personally.

“Three things that have come out of 2020 for me that have been positive have been: Spending more time with my family. Homeschooling was actually in my three-year plan to start doing again, and coronavirus made me start doing that sooner. Actually, virtual school was the option, but I already had homeschool curriculum, and I knew what I wanted to do and could do, so it was just the push I needed to start homeschooling again. Spending more time with my family—I really enjoyed that.

“We didn’t go on any big trips like we normally like to do, but still, just enjoying our yard, starting a garden, I think that’s something I’ve really enjoyed doing this year. I kind of wanted to do that, but again, the pandemic kind of made it like, OK, we’re home, and made me dive in and learn how to do this.

“I’d say just saving and being able to pay off our home was a huge positive that came out of this year. It’s not only a big blessing, but just being home and not paying for all the things we would be paying for, like expensive sports and travel and other things that we probably would have been doing this year, we were able to put all that towards our house.”

Read so much more about Jennifer, her family, and her passions at her website:

A few posts to showcase the variety of topics:

How to have the courage to choose love over bias

We just paid off our house! This is how we reached our big goal

30 of the best free websites to help you homeschool

6 important lessons we can learn from Disney Pixar’s Soul


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