
Ladies & Ladles

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Random Acts of Kindness Day: Do Your Part!

Random Acts of Kindness Day: Do Your Part!

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Fun fact: Next week is Random Acts of Kindness Week, with next Wednesday, February 17–exactly one week from today—designated as National Random Acts of Kindness Day (there’s a day for everything, isn’t there?).

I’m sure I’m not alone in saying acts of kindness truly have carried me through the last year. Whether it was a cookie delivery, an uplifting note from an anonymous neighbor, or simply a cheery voice on the other end of a phone call, I’ve become incredibly sensitive to kind deeds and have tried to ensure these acts don’t go unnoticed (even if that means just paying it forward).

I decided to share the first 17 acts of kindness that came to mind in hopes you might be inspired to spread a little love beyond Valentine’s Day next week. Share other ideas in the comments!

1. Send a card (in the mail)
2. Reconnect with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while
3. Send a thankful/encouraging message to someone whose account or website you follow and admire
4. Apologize for a wrongdoing
5. Drop off a coffee (or tea) at your friend’s house
6. Let someone know you’re praying for them (or cheering them on—however you send those vibes out into the world!)
7. Make/order someone dinner
8. Support someone’s small business or shop
9. Pick up trash while out on a walk
10. Compliment your co-workers
11. Leave a small treat for your delivery drivers or bring along something for the grocery worker helping you at pick-up
12. Send a book you love to someone who needs to hear the message
13. Write a review for a service you’ve used and appreciated
14. Hand-write a thank you note … it doesn’t matter how late it is!
15. See if a friend/neighbor needs something if you’re already planning to run an errand
16. Leave your phone in the car when you go into a store and actually talk to the people behind the checkout counter
17. Do someone else’s chores at your house (if you live alone, take in your neighbor’s trash or sweep their walkway)

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