
Ladies & Ladles

Sharing inspiring stories of fearless females and suggestions of simple dishes. Lifting each other scoop at a time.

Quieting the Noise & Proclaiming Her Story

Quieting the Noise & Proclaiming Her Story


Have you ever found yourself doubting who you are and what you’re doing?Let me give you a few scenarios. Maybe you can relate.

  • You just saw a photo of yourself and immediately want to delete it. How could that be you? Have you really let yourself go *that* much?

  • You’re sitting at your desk staring at not one, but two computer screens. Your job is the same unfulfilling grind day in and day out, and though you’re grateful to be employed, you’re just not sure *this* is all life has to offer.

  • You did it! You went out on your own and started your own business, or maybe you crushed a goal you set long ago, but you’re too afraid of what other people might say or how they might react to really celebrate your work or claim your story. You know what you’re meant to do, but you just can’t get out of your own way to fully embrace your unique path.

Shirley at age 21 (one of only of three photos she’s kept from her heavier days) and today.

Shirley at age 21 (one of only of three photos she’s kept from her heavier days) and today.

If you can identify with even one of those things, then you can certainly relate to Shirley DeQuina-Booth because these are her personal experiences. Every one of them. She conquered the doubts and fears many of us feel and now uses her walk to inspire her clients, friends, and strangers.

Shirley can trace her health journey back to her childhood when she started raising her brother at age twelve in the Philippines. Her parents immigrated to America ahead of Shirley and her brother and worked to establish themselves and earn their citizenship.

“For three years, it was just the two of us,” Shirley said. “I think at that time, I started to turn to food as my comfort and my friend. Happy or sad, I would eat.

”Eventually, Shirley and her brother joined her parents, but her issues with food and her weight followed her over the next handful of years.

”I turned 21, and I was at my party, and someone took a photo,” she said. “Weeks later, I saw the photo and thought, That’s not who I feel I am. That was a wakeup call for me. My doctors told me, but until I saw it, I didn’t realize something had to change.”

Trying to solve her problems on her own, Shirley rode a rollercoaster of going to the gym every day, not eating, or binging and purging for years.

“It was six years of unhealthy,” she said. “I looked healthy, but I was not. I was so messed up in here (points to head) and in here (points to heart).”

Then, thanks to a chance purchase of a Groupon to Portland-area gym, RDFiT, Shirley found the exact ingredients for what she needed to succeed and break the cycle.

“I did 30 days with them, and I was hooked within the first two weeks because of the community,” she said. “These people wanted me to succeed.”

Shirley started learning more about proper training and holistic health, and she credits the gym owners as being integral in her eventual career transition. At the time, she was still plugging away in the corporate world yet wishing for a better future for herself.

“I distinctly remember sitting at Moonstruck—I worked at the corporate office for Moonstruck Chocolate—and I was looking out the window,” she said. “I had these two screens, looking at numbers and spreadsheets, and I’m looking outside and am like, Is this what life is? Is this how it’s going to be? I didn’t imagine my life being this way. I think that was the start of starting to find what really inspired me.”

Seeing herself transform motivated Shirley to pay forward this new lease on life for others.

“At this time, Casey, the owner of RDFiT . . . his wife, Candy, was a trainer,” Shirley said. “I took her to lunch because I was interested in becoming a trainer. She tried to talk me out of being a trainer and into being a health coach, but I didn’t listen. I did both at the same time but didn’t touch my health coaching business until I met this wonderful woman who walked in the door at about 260 pounds.”

Shirley said this client, Mary Anne, changed her life. She came to Shirley with an obvious desire to improve her quality of life, and Shirley knew she had strategies for Mary Anne to use on her journey to a healthy weight.

As a wellness coach, Shirley uses a program, or a “tool” as she refers to it, called OptaVia to help her clients achieve their goals—whoever they are and whatever those goals may be. Shirley didn’t know about OptaVia when she personally started her health journey, but she tried the holistic health program for weeks so she would have the first-hand experience to share with her clients.

“I was most worried that people would think I wanted something from them instead of me wanting something for them,” Shirley said. “That’s always been on my heart. How do I have people see this [tools for a healthy lifestyle] as something I want to give you?”

Specifically with Mary Anne’s needs, Shirley knew OptaVia would be a good fit.

“[Mary Anne] tried OptaVia, lost 140 pounds, and has remained a healthy weight for seven years,” Shirley said. “If it had not been for her, I would not have seen the power of what this program can do for people, and what the power of changing your mindset and really working on your mindset—working on your heart and your mind at the same time—can do, instead of just saying you’re going to exercise and eat well.”

You may think this success story was just the ticket for Shirley to proclaim her passion for wellness and shout it from the rooftops that she could help people achieve their goals. But it wasn’t until years later and a transformative retreat with five inspirational women that she realized her job was actually her calling.

Shirley had a bit of an awakening, which pushed her into a mode of service and fulfillment that she never could have imagined.

“I never talked about it [health coaching] or if I did, it was less boldly . . . more like, ‘What’s this person going to think about me if I talk about this,’” Shirley said. “Now it’s like, ‘The right people are going to hear the right message.’”

Shirley knows from her own experience that motivation runs out. It’s important to dig into the “why” of the matter—why is losing weight or eating healthier important to you, for example.

Through all of Shirley’s personal struggles and triumphs, she’s kept moving forward thanks to hopes of a healthy future, the encouragement of key people throughout her life, her own experience overcoming negativity, and discovering her life’s calling of helping others eliminate or overcome health issues.

Shirley said her work is never done. With strong faith, the most contagious positive attitude, and a lot of spunk, Shirley said she’ll continue growing and changing and genuinely wishes the same for others.

“That’s my hope for a lot of people—that as we grow and as we become more mature in our ways, that we always have an evolving why. Because if that’s not evolving, you’re going backwards. Now I believe that. I used to think, I’m happy if I’m maintaining. But if you’re not moving forwards, you’re moving backwards.”

If you’ve ever found yourself doubting who you are and what you’re doing, or maybe even not liking yourself physically or mentally, surely Shirley can inspire you that it’s never too late to be who you’re meant to be. You just have to be willing to try, step outside your comfort zone, and know that failure isn’t the end, it’s just a part of the journey.


Advice for dream seekers?

”Dream big and then bigger AND stop listening to all the voices (there are many). Work to always hear God’s voice the loudest.”

Where do you get your energy/what motivates you?

“Jesus, and caffeine . . . lots of caffeine. Ha! I have daily power statements, and it’s like supernatural energy for the day. Seeing people win motivates me.”

Other females who inspire you?

“My ‘STRONG’ ladies bible study group. Lisa Bevere. Love Ellen D. and P!nk.”

Favorite kitchen utensil/can’t live without ingredient?

“Hmm, my frother. And garlic!!!!”

Go-to recipe?

”Braised osso buco.” Check back for Shirley’s recipe!

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