
Ladies & Ladles

Sharing inspiring stories of fearless females and suggestions of simple dishes. Lifting each other scoop at a time.

Minutes with a Marvel: Allison Vidourek

Minutes with a Marvel: Allison Vidourek

When time is scarce, I'd rather tell a bit about a brilliant woman than miss an opportunity to share an inspiring story. So, I've been peppering some wonderful women with four simple questions in the hopes that the answers are immediate and effortless (of course I'd love to sit down and interview but that's not always in the cards!). MINUTES WITH A MARVEL is meant to briefly highlight an outstanding lady and share her quick responses to meaningful questions that might inspire you or at least get you thinking...

The questions:

1) Where do you get your energy/what motivates you?

2) Who (other women) inspires you? Or are there any specific social media feeds that inspire you?

3) Pie-in-the-sky dream or ambition?

4) Go-to recipe

Today's MARVEL is Allison Vidourek. 

When you’ve known someone almost 20 years, you’re bound to witness some transformation. But I never could have imagined watching my dear friend Allison ride such a roller coaster of big life events with such grace, maturity, and courage. She stepped out of her comfort zone on more than one occasion to lead her household while her husband deployed, and she’s challenged herself professionally to grow from a critical care nurse to a clinical educator for a medical device company…all while working crazy hours around her daughters’ schedules, ensuring her role as mom be the most important. So, if you find yourself climbing a mountain when all you envisioned was life among the wildflowers, know that no matter your dreams, they are within reach, and that there’s a season and reason for everything. Life truly begins at the end of your comfort zone. 


“I get my energy from my family and friends. They are always inspiring me to grow and improve as a wife, mom, co-worker, and friend. My husband and kids are who inspire me every day to bring all that I have to share with them. I want the raise independent, smart, and kind girls, and at the end of the day, I’m OK with being exhausted if I know they are turning out to be good people and that my husband knows I love him.”

Allison + her girls (Naomi & Nora) + her sister, Ashley.


Other women that inspire me are moms who are raising kids and building their own businesses and/or careers, as well as stay at home moms. Each role is equally important and challenging.  

“My sister Ashley, has always been a huge inspiration for me.  She recently took a huge leap and followed a passion and is living an inspired life in wine country.

“My favorite social media feeds are currently the Modern Proper and Dishing up the Dirt.  They both have the most amazing recipes and style, and are Northwest locals, so I always love seeing places that they recommend.”


“My pie-in-the-sky dream is to leave the bedside as a nurse and figure out how to get pet therapy for healthcare workers everywhere. Dogs are the best!”


“Go-to recipe would have to be my version of the Pioneer Woman’s sloppy joes.  I always use elk or deer met though, so much leaner—simple and makes great leftovers for lunch. I also love making soup but couldn't name a favorite.”

Allison's Sloppy Joes

Allison's Sloppy Joes

Almond Flour Chia Pancakes

Almond Flour Chia Pancakes